Reading time: 3 minutes, 2 seconds
Our future is determined by the way we all live our lives today. It’s not about doing everything, but implementing sustainable habits here and there to help make a collective difference.
If in 2023 you want to do that bit better when it comes to sustainability, we’ve crowd-sourced 23 tips to inspire.
Hannah, 29 and Harry, 30
We’re really conscious of the impact our habits can have on the planet so we identified a few key areas we could improve in and will be building on these in 2023 and beyond.
Seon, 39
I’m very much a foody and I hate seeing food go to waste so there are a few things I do in the kitchen to make sure I’m not throwing anything out unnecessarily.
Raje, 35
My family tries and reduce the amount of single-use plastic we use as much as possible, and where we can’t avoid it we recycle it through local programs.

Coreena, 38 and Ben, 38
It can be a little tricky to stay sustainable with kids but teaching them the importance of sustainable habits when they’re young is key.
Sarah, 53
My family is very much embracing a sustainable lifestyle where possible. These are a few of the easy things we do around our house and kitchen.